Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Strong Faith Doesn't Really Matter

Ok, now that I got you to click the link with my provocative title. Let me explain where I'm going with this. We just started a new series of messages focusing on growing our faith. Lots of people start the new year wanting to get closer to God or grow in their faith. So they dive into church & religious activity, but it usually lasts about as long as their diet plan, & before they realize it, they've slipped back into the previous year's rut. Why does that happen if they sincerely want to grow in their faith? Why doesn't jumping back into churchy & religious things not automatically grow your faith? Here's my thought: Perhaps this happens because we're putting our faith in the wrong things. Perhaps we put our faith in our religious activity or in simply showing up to church. We think that's what makes us closer to God. We're not putting our faith in Christ. We're really still putting our faith in ourselves & our attempts to draw near to God. The Bible clearly tells us that doesn't work, but we fall into that trap over & over again, especially when the trap is baited with nice, religious stuff. Here's an important truth that we have to grasp first before trying to "grow" our faith.

"The Object Of Your Faith Is More Important
Than The Strength Of Your Faith."

If your faith is in the wrong place, it doesn't really matter how strong your faith is. In fact, if you have strong faith in the wrong thing, you actually become more hopeless. Simple faith in Jesus that says, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief," is still infinitely more powerful than ardent faith in something other than Jesus. So as you or someone you know enters 2015 looking to grow in their faith or to get closer to God, make sure your pursuing the right thing & that your faith is in the right person: Jesus Christ. Start there. Then you can begin to take advantage of the things God uses to grow your faith in Him.

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