Tuesday, May 6, 2014

We're Moving!

After 4 great years leading students & being a part of the broader ministry at FBC Robertsdale, God has called us to make a huge transition for our family & ministry. On April 27th, we accepted a call to become Lead Pastor of Zebulon Baptist Church in Toccoa, GA. This is a big transition not just because of the physical transition that's involved but perhaps even more so because of the ministry transition. The transition from Student Pastor to Lead Pastor isn't a small one, & we'd appreciate your prayers.

I often joke with people that I've been in student ministry since I was one. God called me to ministry when I was 15. I began preaching & teaching when I was 16. I spoke at my first camps & DiscipleNow weekends when I was still in high school. I got my first real student ministry gig when I was in college. So in a lot of ways I never really left. Sure, my perspective changed a lot over the years. I shifted from student to leader, & my view of what student ministry is & how it fits into the local church shifted along the way. In fact, it was those shifts in perspective that have led me to where I am now. I've often taught this important spiritual principle to students & adults for years, & it applies to me as well.

"You Can't Go With God & Stay Where You Are."

When God called Abraham, He called Abraham to follow Him. When Jesus called His disciples, He called them to follow Him. Sometimes following God literally, physically means leaving where you are to go with Him, but it always means leaving where you are spiritually, which is often a place of comfort, complacency or apathy, to follow Him & trust Him to lead you where He wants you to go. 

The last 4 years in Robertsdale have been a great close to our student ministry season. We have been blessed to work with some of the most incredible students in the world. Sure, I'm a little biased, but I don't really think I'm exaggerating that much. I am confident that God is at work in them & is going to do far more than any of us  would dare to imagine. At the same time though I had great opportunities to be a part of the broader ministry of the church, & that helped prepare me for what God has in store for this new season of life & ministry. God is calling, & it's time to follow. For me & my family that doesn't just mean a transition in ministry, it also means a physical move. 

Right now in your life, what would following God require you to do? You can't go with God & stay where you are. How do you need to move?

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome and yes you have to go where god has called you to if you want him in your life.
